Why Choose a Top 1% Invisalign® Provider?

Why Choose a Top 1% Invisalign® Provider?

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you when they meet you. Crooked, poorly spaced teeth can not only affect that first impression but can also impact your self-confidence. Invisalign® clear aligners help straighten your teeth without your having to deal with uncomfortable, noticeable, difficult-to-maintain metal braces.


Finding an orthodontist who is experienced with Invisalign therapy is important.  Invisalign Aligners only work at their best when guided by an experienced orthodontist.

Drs. Yurfest & Huber accepting their Life Time Achievement award from Align Technology CEO Joe Hogan.

The most experienced providers are designated as Top 1% providers.  These providers are the most experienced Invisalign providers in the world, and there are less than 100 of them in practice.  These Top 1% providers are given access to the newest and most advanced technology used in the Invisalign process.  Drs. Yurfest and Huber are two such providers. Together, they have treated more than 4,000 patients using these products, and their practice is frequently asked by the company to test new Invisalign products and techniques. They were even instrumental in the switch from a two-week wear protocol with Invisalign to the current one-week wear protocol.





About Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign aligners fit snugly over your teeth gently guiding your teeth to their desired positions. The aligners allow each tooth to be manipulated individually, helping to create a perfect smile and healthy bite. You will wear these aligners for most of the day and sleep in them. However, unlike traditional braces, they can easily be removed for cleaning and so that you can brush your teeth thoroughly. You can also remove your aligners when you eat.


The iTero Digital Scanner at West Paces Ferry Orthodontics.

During your initial appointment, our staff will make a digital 3D model of your teeth that will be used to create your first set of aligners. You will have follow-up appointments so that we can track your process. Once this set of aligners is complete, you will be scanned again for a second set of aligners. You will start out replacing your aligners with a new set every week so that a constant pressure is kept on your teeth as they move into their new positions.



At the end of the treatment, which can last between 12 and 24 months, patients transition to wearing a retainer. This retainer keeps teeth in their new position and prevents them from shifting back to their previous location.

Benefits of using Invisalign aligners

Invisalign aligners give patients all the benefits of traditional braces without having to endure heavy metal bands around your teeth for months or years. Also, Invisalign aligners also offer these benefits:

Appearance. Invisalign aligners are clear and fit tightly over your existing teeth. Most people will not even notice that you are wearing them.

Easy care. Since Invisalign aligners are removed for brushing, you do not have to worry about food getting trapped in them as can happen with traditional braces. You simply brush and floss your teeth as you normally would.

Easy monitoring. Invisalign aligners also make it easy to see how your smile is improving at every step in the process. You do not have to wait until the end of the treatment to see the result.

Comfort. With Invisalign aligners, there are no sharp edges or wires to cut your mouth.

About our practice

Dr. Yurfest and Dr. Huber have been helping Atlanta residents perfect their smiles for more than 40 years.  They have treated more patients with Invisalign than any other orthodontist in the Atlanta area.  West Paces Ferry Orthodontics was the first office in the world to treat adults, so you know that they have the experience to successfully treat you and your family.

To learn more about Invisalign and to make an appointment for a complimentary consultation, call their office today at (404) 262-2212 or visit wportho.com!

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