Tag: Invisalign

Comfort: the Unspoken Advantage of Invisalign Aligners

Comfort: the Unspoken Advantage of Invisalign Aligners


By: Adrian Pierce

Invisalign® aligners represent the latest in dental technology for straightening crooked teeth using flexible, transparent plastic aligners instead of metal bands and wires. Invisalign aligners also correct overbites, underbites, narrow dental arches, and unattractive gaps between teeth. Made from a hypoallergenic, polyurethane compound, Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible mouth trays custom-made from dental impressions taken by a dentist specializing in orthodontics.


Invisalign can reposition severely crooked teeth under the care of an experienced orthodontist.  The less experienced orthodontist may need to use braces to straighten extreme underbites and overbites. In most cases of severe underbites and overbites, the jaw may need to be shifted to fully correct abnormally positioned teeth. Invisalign can reposition the jaw with the aid of removable elastics.


Amazingly Comfortable, Amazingly Effective

Several sets of Invisalign aligners are developed from a patient’s dental impression. Each aligner is slightly different in regards to shape and amount of pressure affecting teeth that need to be moved. Every week, Invisalign patients wear a new aligner. Each new aligner provides different applications of forces generated by modified aligner dimensions. Patients experience gradual repositioning of teeth without the discomfort and inconvenience of metal braces.


No Soreness, No Gum Irritation, and No Bleeding

Invisalign aligners promote subtle movement of teeth but without the soreness of your lips and gums associated with braces. Also, the ability to remove Invisalign trays improve the level of oral hygiene practiced by people using these trays as opposed to braces glued to teeth. People wearing metal braces can suffer from embarrassing halitosis as well as staining and pitting of teeth that require further treatment following removal of glued-on brackets due to difficulties with oral hygiene.


Invisalign aligners can be easily inserted and removed. You do not ha


ve to visit your orthodontist every month for adjusting brackets and wires. Metal braces require regular adjustment to make teeth move into straighter positions. Soreness of the mouth following an adjustment is a common complaint of people wearing metal braces.


So Comfortable You Forget You are Wearing Invisalign Aligners

AdobeStock_154310138.jpegWorn 22 hours a day, Invisalign aligners move teeth into desired positions within six months to two years.  Also, you can discreetly remove Invisalign trays to eat or brush their teeth when out in public, so nobody will even know you are wearing them. And best of all, Invisalign is made from flexible materials that do not irritate gums or force teeth to reposition too quickly. Simple but powerfully effective, Invisalign trays slide easily over your teeth to give you a beautiful smile with straight teeth that you’ve always wanted.

Back To School Tips For Orthodontic Patients

Back To School Tips For Orthodontic Patients

School has returned! Summer is coming to an end, fall sports are gearing up, and all the children are headed back to school. At West Paces Ferry Orthodontics, Atlanta’s top provider of Invisalign, our Orthodontists, Dr. Paul Yurfest & Dr. Kristin Huber, want to offer a few helpful tips for going back to school with braces or Invisalign® aligners!

Beautiful Teenage Woman Brushing TeethMake sure to follow the 2×2 brushing rule: brush your teeth for TWO minutes, TWO times each day! Proper brushing will help keep your teeth and braces clean, which leads to quicker appointments and healthier teeth. If you want to brush after lunch, keep the travel toothbrush we gave you in your backpack. Brush your braces!

Bring a water bottle to school. Drinking water throughout the day helps to keep your mouth clean, fight cavities and tooth decay. Sugary drinks increase your chance for cavities, so stick with water, and you cannot go wrong!

Keep an extra pack of elastics in your backpack. If you have a locker, it is wise to store some extra rubber bands in there too. Remember that those elastics help move teeth, so not wearing them consistently will result in longer treatment times!

We know you have to eat well to perform well in the classroom. Always eat smart at every meal! Avoid foods that are hard, crunchy, or chewy to prevent bending wires or knocking off brackets. Damage to your braces can cause discomfort and lengthen your treatment time. Good breakfast foods for children with braces include yogurt, fruit smoothies, and eggs.

Check out your lunch menu every week to make sure something is offered each day that you like and can eat with braces. We recommend cooked vegetables, softer foods like spaghetti,AdobeStock_132329952.jpeg macaroni and cheese, and lean cuts of meat. Avoid chips, soft drinks, and sports drinks. Pack your lunch and take it with you if the choices are not right for you.

Bananas make a great snack. They are high in potassium and fiber which promotes heart and bone health. If you like hard fruits such as apples or pears, you must cut them into pieces before you leave for school and chew them with your back teeth. Biting into hard fruits can damage your braces.

If you are wearing Invisalign aligners, it is critical to have them on for at least 22 hours a day.  The good news is you can do almost all of your normal activities while wearing your trays!  Drinking sugar-free beverages and eating light snacks does not require you to remove your aligners!  Whenever you brush your teeth, you should also clean your aligners.

Good luck in the upcoming school year and remember to care for your teeth and braces every day properly! Contact West Paces Ferry Orthodontics in Atlanta, Georgia with any questions or to schedule an initial complimentary consultation!PY_Huber.png




Why Choose a Top 1% Invisalign® Provider?

Why Choose a Top 1% Invisalign® Provider?

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you when they meet you. Crooked, poorly spaced teeth can not only affect that first impression but can also impact your self-confidence. Invisalign® clear aligners help straighten your teeth without your having to deal with uncomfortable, noticeable, difficult-to-maintain metal braces.


Finding an orthodontist who is experienced with Invisalign therapy is important.  Invisalign Aligners only work at their best when guided by an experienced orthodontist.

Drs. Yurfest & Huber accepting their Life Time Achievement award from Align Technology CEO Joe Hogan.

The most experienced providers are designated as Top 1% providers.  These providers are the most experienced Invisalign providers in the world, and there are less than 100 of them in practice.  These Top 1% providers are given access to the newest and most advanced technology used in the Invisalign process.  Drs. Yurfest and Huber are two such providers. Together, they have treated more than 4,000 patients using these products, and their practice is frequently asked by the company to test new Invisalign products and techniques. They were even instrumental in the switch from a two-week wear protocol with Invisalign to the current one-week wear protocol.





About Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign aligners fit snugly over your teeth gently guiding your teeth to their desired positions. The aligners allow each tooth to be manipulated individually, helping to create a perfect smile and healthy bite. You will wear these aligners for most of the day and sleep in them. However, unlike traditional braces, they can easily be removed for cleaning and so that you can brush your teeth thoroughly. You can also remove your aligners when you eat.


The iTero Digital Scanner at West Paces Ferry Orthodontics.

During your initial appointment, our staff will make a digital 3D model of your teeth that will be used to create your first set of aligners. You will have follow-up appointments so that we can track your process. Once this set of aligners is complete, you will be scanned again for a second set of aligners. You will start out replacing your aligners with a new set every week so that a constant pressure is kept on your teeth as they move into their new positions.



At the end of the treatment, which can last between 12 and 24 months, patients transition to wearing a retainer. This retainer keeps teeth in their new position and prevents them from shifting back to their previous location.

Benefits of using Invisalign aligners

Invisalign aligners give patients all the benefits of traditional braces without having to endure heavy metal bands around your teeth for months or years. Also, Invisalign aligners also offer these benefits:

Appearance. Invisalign aligners are clear and fit tightly over your existing teeth. Most people will not even notice that you are wearing them.

Easy care. Since Invisalign aligners are removed for brushing, you do not have to worry about food getting trapped in them as can happen with traditional braces. You simply brush and floss your teeth as you normally would.

Easy monitoring. Invisalign aligners also make it easy to see how your smile is improving at every step in the process. You do not have to wait until the end of the treatment to see the result.

Comfort. With Invisalign aligners, there are no sharp edges or wires to cut your mouth.

About our practice

Dr. Yurfest and Dr. Huber have been helping Atlanta residents perfect their smiles for more than 40 years.  They have treated more patients with Invisalign than any other orthodontist in the Atlanta area.  West Paces Ferry Orthodontics was the first office in the world to treat adults, so you know that they have the experience to successfully treat you and your family.

To learn more about Invisalign and to make an appointment for a complimentary consultation, call their office today at (404) 262-2212 or visit wportho.com!

The Legacy of Dr. Marvin Goldstein, of West Paces Ferry Orthodontics

The Legacy of Dr. Marvin Goldstein, of West Paces Ferry Orthodontics

The Godfather of Adult Orthodontics

Part 1 Of A 3 Part Series


By:  Kenny Hackett

Goldstein Marvin OHC
Dr. Marvin Goldstein

Dr. Marvin Goldstein started his Orthodontic practice in 1941.  This practice would eventually become known as  West Paces Ferry Orthodontics.  Along the way, Dr. Goldstein had some impressive achievements.  In this three-part series, we will explore some of these achievements in more detail.

In 1947 in a paper entitled “Adult Orthodontics” Dr. Goldstein made an extensive study of the available literature on orthodontic treatments of the time and found little mention of adult orthodontics.  He concluded that orthodontic treatment was not attempted if the patient was over 20 years old.  Dr. Goldstein quickly realized there was no legitimate rationale as to why adults couldn’t be treated successfully with orthodontic therapy.  He also realized that adults needed to be treated differently than children.   Dr. Goldstein told the Orlando Sun Sentinel ” Many adults who have orthodontic work, even if the treatment is begun in middle age or later, may be able to keep their remaining teeth all their lives.”   This was radical thinking at the time.  Many orthodontists not willing to accept the changes Dr. Goldstein was pioneering went as far as sending him hate mail.

Young black woman smiling with braces
An adult with braces.  picture courtesy of Usnews.com


Dr. Goldstein found that adults could be treated, but the treatment was not achieved the same way.  Since there is not a clinically significant amount of growth in the adult, one must consider how best to accomplish tooth movement.  For instance,  before tooth movement space may need to be secured within which to move the teeth.  This space can be achieved by extracting a tooth or several, or by interproximal reduction.


Another trend Dr. Goldstein changed was when a patient sees the orthodontist.  A generation ago it was all too common for the adult seeking orthodontic treatment to see the orthodontist only after having extensive periodontal or aesthetic dental work completed.  Now it is advisable for only the worst periodontal problems to be treated before seeing the orthodontist.  Also, cavities should be filled but crowns, implants, and extensive restorations should be done after orthodontic treatment is completed.  This allows for all needs to be addressed to take advantage of creating space while preserving the teeth with the greatest potential to remain healthy.

History has proven Dr. Goldstein correct, as now almost all orthodontist treat adults as well as children.  Dr. Kristin Huber and Dr. Paul Yurfest continue to innovate orthodontic therapies that make new treatments ever more efficient and effective here at West Paces Ferry Orthodontics.

Are there dental concerns you thought could not be treated?

Can Straightening Your Teeth Improve Your Posture?

Can Straightening Your Teeth Improve Your Posture?


Kenny Hackett, Communications Director – West Paces Ferry Orthodontics

By: Kenny Hackett, Communications Director


There are many obvious benefits of straight teeth.  Better chewing, a more esthetic smile, and better oral hygiene are well-known benefits of properly aligned teeth.   A new study from both the University Barcelona in Spain and the University of Innsbruck in Austria show that our posture and balance are also affected by the relationship of our upper and lower jaws while biting.  The alignment of our jaws when we bite is called our occlusion.  When there is a misalignment of the occlusion, it is known as a malocclusion.

Sonia Julia, a researcher from the University of Barcelona, states ” Postural control is the result of a complex system that includes different sensory and motor elements arising from visual, somatosensory — denoting a sensation such as pressure, pain, or warmth — and vestibular information — regarding motion, equilibrium, and spatial orientation.  Malocclusion has also been associated with different motor and physiological alterations, especially when people were fatigued.  But postural control was shown to improve — both in static and dynamic equilibrium — when different malocclusions are corrected by positioning the jaw in a neutral position.”

She continued “This relationship can play a crucial role in athletes in how well they ultimately perform as well as in the prevention of injuries such as sprains, strains, and fractures caused by unexpected instability as fatigue increases and motor control capacity decreases.”

Picture courtesy of CBC News.
Picture courtesy of CBC News.

“Therefore, it would be helpful for both the general population and athletes to consider correcting dental occlusions to improve postural control and thus prevent possible falls and instability due to a lack of motor system response,” she concluded.

Orthodontists specialize in the occlusion and correcting malocclusions.  If you feel like your bite may be misaligned you should schedule a complimentary consultation with experts such as Dr. Paul Yurfest and Dr. Kristin Huber of West Paces Ferry Orthodontics.

Did You Know You Can Get Scars On Your Teeth?

Did You Know You Can Get Scars On Your Teeth?

decalcification marksreneeprofpic

By: Renee Hartz, Treatment Director

Decalcification marks are a common occurrence when venturing into the orthodontic world.

Here at West Paces Ferry Orthodontics, we provide a prescription strength fluoride toothpaste.  This toothpaste helps fight against these decalcification marks. Many people will blame the braces and say that the braces have caused these marks. This idea is not true!

Once the braces go on, the teeth are at higher risk for these decalcification marks. Braces DO NOT cause these white scars. Lack of proper brushing and not getting the toothbrush on the teeth is what causes the scars to occur.

Plaque built up on a patients teeth and braces. picture courtesy of Askaorthodontist.com.
Plaque built up on a patients teeth and braces. picture courtesy of Askaorthodontist.com.

Once these marks set into the teeth, they are there; that is why they are scars. The prescription strength fluoride toothpaste helps prevent these decalcification marks from occurring.

At West Paces Ferry Orthodontics, we take the extra step to teach proper brushing techniques. These educational tips ensure that our patients leave with only a beautiful smile- without scars caused by decalcification.  Schedule your complimentary consultation with West Paces Ferry Orthodontics.  Ensure you receive the best care from the experts!

Teeth after braces with good oral hygiene. Picture courtesy of Maximum Living.
Teeth after braces with good oral hygiene. Picture courtesy of Maximum Living.
The iTero Element Laser Scanner

The iTero Element Laser Scanner

New technology at West Paces Ferry Orthodontics

By: Kenny Hackett

The iTero Element is the newest piece of technology at West Paces Ferry Orthodontics.  It is a digital laser scanner used to provide Invisalign with an accurate model of the mouth.  The machine uses laser light to read the surface of the teeth and then recreates a virtual model of these teeth.

Orthodontic Technician Michele scanning a patient for Invisalign with the iTero Element.
Orthodontic Technician Michele scanning a patient for Invisalign with the iTero Element.

“As of March 2016, iTero scans have been used in more than 2.7 million iTero orthodontic scans, including more than 1 million Invisalign® scans.”According to the iTero website.  The scanner is more accurate than the older model and the scans also take half the time.

For a patient, this means getting in and out faster and having a lower chance of needing a second scan.  West Paces Ferry Orthodontics was so impressed with how much the machines improved the patient experience that we bought two of them!  Visit Westpacesferrryortho.com to request an appointment today and experience the latest technology available to orthodontic patients!


Why I love to volunteer

Why I love to volunteer


By: Paul Yurfest, DDS
I have been in Orthodontic practice over the last 41 years and have had a lot of time to help people while doing what I like to do.

I provide free orthodontics to families who have no means to pay for the service. It’s a lot of fun! I have been doing
ing that since 1975 at the Ben Massell Free Dental Clinic in downtown Atlanta. As part of the JFC&S and United Way organizations, the clinic helps many varied members of the Atlanta community. Helping people is rewarding!

Photo Courtesy of The Ben Masell Dental Clinic.
Photo Courtesy of The Ben Masell Dental Clinic.

Getting into an activity other than Orthodontics has great appeal to me as well. I love gardening, and I love helping people! When I decided to become a Georgia Master Gardener, I did not know I would be combining both gardening and volunteering together!

The Georgia Cooperative Extension Service of the University of Georgia has an office in many of Georgia’s counties. This office is where homeowners or businesses can contact an agent to have questions related to gardening answered.

Photo courtesy of The Georgia Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Program.

As a Master Gardener, I volunteer there to answer the questions of many homeowners related to their lawns and gardens. Also, I help teach gardening at Farm Chastain, a small farm in the center of the North Fulton Course at Chastain Park!

The doctors and staff of West Paces Ferry Orthodontics are involved in many types of volunteer activities-  all to help make Atlanta a better place!

If you are thinking of volunteering or are currently volunteering,  share your thoughts in the comments!

Make Your Teeth Whitening Gel Work Better!

Make Your Teeth Whitening Gel Work Better!

Make any brand of whitening gel work better with this easy method

kennyblogprofileBy:  Kenny Hackett

Whitening our teeth has become the norm in America.   According to NBC News, “Teeth whitening is the No. 1 requested cosmetic service today and its popularity continues to soar“.  The popularity of this service has lead to the dental product industry developing stronger and safer gels over time.   Even though these materials are improving, there is still a simple trick you can use to make any bleach more effective.

Picture courtesy of Beyonddiseas.com

For this easy to do trick, you need baking soda, a q-tip, and just a little bit of effort.  Take the baking soda and add just enough water to create a paste.  Then use your q-tip to buff the front of your teeth.  You have to use a q-tip because a brush’s bristles are too flexible.  What you have done is buffed off the bio-film that lives on the surface of your teeth.  This film comes back in approximately 30 minutes, so it is very important to place your tray with the gel on immediately.


Have you been given any helpful tips by the staff of West Paces Ferry Orthodontics? If so, share them in the comments below.




JAmieblogprofilepic.jpgBy:  Jamie Perez

There are many benefits to being a bi-lingual speaker. It especially helps when you are at your workplace.  The United States of America consist of people from many countries. Spanish is the second most common language after English.  Sometimes we come across situations in which a person only speaks Spanish. What do you do? Having someone in the office that speaks Spanish is great. Our patient can communicate in their native language.  This natural communication ensures no details will be missed with the mindset of “I just did not understand!”  West Paces Ferry Orthodontics’s Spanish-speaking patients will be more comfortable.  It is also nice to have a variety in our office. Working with people of different cultures and diversities is wonderful. How do you feel when you go into an office and see a range of staff from different countries and parts of the U.S?  If you are a Spanish speaker, how do you feel when you know that there is someone in an office that speaks Spanish? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!